Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Morning Service 11:00am
Wednesday Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7:00pm – 8:00pm
1204 West 173rd Street East Hazel Crest, IL 60429
If your GPS likes coordinates, these will guide you faithfully to the front door…
Latitude +41.5755
Longitude -87.6467
How to dress:
There is no set dress code. Most of the folks here wear a bit dressier clothing than they would during the week. Dress slacks and collared shirts are common for the men, but you may wear whatever you find comfortable.
What to expect:
When you arrive you’ll be handed a bulletin which lists what will happen during the service. We have a coat rack for your convenience. When you’re ready you may choose any seat you like. Since the morning service begins at 11:00am, we recommend you arrive at least a few minutes early.
What about offerings?
We take a collection during the service to provide an easy way to give to the Lord’s work and to support the church. This collection is for our members and for regular attendees who feel led to give. Visitors should not feel compelled to contribute. If you are uncomfortable ignoring the plate as it passes by, you may fill out our visitor card and place that in the offering.
What about communion?
Communion is very simply a memorial, a ceremony to help us remember Christ’s death and resurrection, and what that means for us. However, the Bible establishes some rules for participation.